Thursday, October 2, 2008

Is Facebook really a place to watch TV?

Opinion - On Wednesday, Slide, the Widget start-up primarily responsible for delivering individuals photo slideshows and videos announced that it would be hosting video from CBS, Warner Brothers, and Hulu on Facebook. This is the beginning of a new Facebook application that is being worked on in partnership with FunSpace Channels that will open today. Facebook and TV? Does that go together?

I personally must admit that this saddens me, as Facebook’s appeal for me has always been that it is so opposite MySpace allows users to bog down their page with text, music, photos and video- consuming my bandwidth and irritating me to death. Facebook on the other hand, I’ve always loved for its simplicity and ease of use. It can be used in both my professional and personal life and it’s not covered with colors, widgets and videos.

Facebook offers person-to person and person to group communication venues. It is more communication-based rather than entertainment-based. I feel like Facebook is starting to become trendy, and more media and advertisement oriented. It’s no longer the Facebook I used to love.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

7 Secrets You Didn't Know about Facebook

For those who have been living under a rock, Facebook is a social networking site that allows you to connect to other people and schools. TheBillyGoatCurse (Thanks!) found the following things while tinkering with this social networking software.

They're interesting hacks and things you can do on Facebook.

  1. Secret Google Hack that Will Make your Profile Public (Yikes!)
    Now this is a bit scary. You can use a link that forces a profile to be public.


    Facebook has an option to make your profile completely public using a special URL. When you click “My Account”, it has what they call an “AIM link”. When you access your profile through that link, it bypasses any facebook login, making your profile public. If the link is found on a website, blog, forum, etc… Google comes around, and that link and your profile will be public forever (bye bye privacy!)

  2. Create an Embarrassing Search!

    Nobody liked you anyway

    Edit the following with 1. Your School 2. Comma separated list of school friend ID’s 3. A description for the search.


  3. You can register for a Facebook account with a @* email address, meaning to make things easier, subdomains are ignored. Setting up a mailserver in a dormroom will should accomplish the same thing, given that the school hooks up students with public IP’s. (They don’t? Suckers!!)

  4. You can poke 17 non-friends in a row.

    Poke War

    Then you are blocked from poking for 6 hours. You can poke your friends as often as you want.

  5. You can message 17 non-friends in a row. Then you are blocked from messaging for 6 hours. You can message your friends as much as you want. These were put in place to prevent spamming, along with cutting the “message all friends” feature that was abused to no end with chain letters and hoaxes.

  6. Many people allow you to view their photo albums even if you aren’t friends with them. This script will jump randomly through them, or use Google.

  7. Don’t like the tiny size of the user photos when you do a people search? Right click the image, click “view image”, and change the “s” in the filename found in the URL to an “n”…

    Or check out this greasemonkey plugin to do it for you automatically.

So there you have it, 7 secrets you didn't know about Facebook ... but the real question is, why do you care?

Welcome to Facebook Layouts

Hey everyone, welcome to Facebook Layouts. There's no blog on that topic so I thought I'd make one on it - I'll cover applications to customize Facebook. Wait a minute... is there such a thing as a Facebook Layout? Well.. not quite.

Facebook isn't like Myspace, you can't actually create and upload your own customized HTML layout and annoy all your friends. And let's be honest, it wouldn't look that great.

But ... you CAN do something else.

Here's a hint: Facebook applications!

By installing those neat applications, you can actually make your Facebook do some useful and fun things. I'll cover the latest news and things you'll find interesting about customizing your profile, or Facebook layouts.